Knee Pain and ACL Treatment in NYC

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Welcome to Virtual PT NYC! Connecting New Yorkers through virtual health.

Our therapists provide safe and positive online physical therapy services to reduce pain, and improve quality of life. There is nothing more important than your health!

Rehabilitating Your Knee Following ACL Surgery

If you’re having trouble rehabilitating your knee following Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Surgery, Knee Pain Treatment in NYC, can help you. At Virtual PT NYC, we offer a variety of treatment options and rehabilitation processes that are aimed at healing your specific condition and will help you return to your daily lifestyle.

Usually, physical therapy following ACL surgery is divided into four phases, each designed to rehabilitate your knee while keeping in mind the limitations that it may have immediately after being operated on. Each phase progresses as your knee becomes stronger, and helps you to maintain that strength long term.

Phase 1: Healing the Knee

The first phase is designed to promote healing and repair within the knee, as it has just undergone the trauma of surgery. Even though surgery is beneficial to the long term, it caused the body to undergo a damaging process that must be kept in mind during treatment.

Your individual process will differ according to the treatment option that your surgeon chose for you. An ACL patient may have received:

• Crutches
• A full-length knee brace
• Both

As most patients will at least be required to use crutches, the first phase involves learning how to walk with crutches, as well as navigate slopes and stairways. Your Knee Pain Treatment in NYC will also involve swelling control techniques, such as when and how to use ice, as well as instructional gentle exercises to help you regain a range of motion in the knee.

Phase 1 Outcomes:

At the end of Phase 1, you will see progress in….

• Surgical Wound Healing
• Walking and Stair Climbing
• Increased Range of Motion in the Knee
• Improved Use of Quadriceps
• Decreased Swelling

Phase 2: Walking without Crutches

This phase is designed to progress past the initial healing phase and move toward using your knee more normally, without crutches. Sometimes, the surgeon has removed the brace at this point, but that is dependent on your individual situation and your surgeon’s discretion.

Your Knee Pain Treatment in NYC, NY will involve a series of processes in order to help you walk without crutches. These include:

• Strengthening your hips through targeted exercises, to graduate from using two crutches to using one, and eventually to walking without crutches
• Improving the use of your quadriceps and hamstrings through targeted exercises
• Increasing the range of motion in the ankle, knee, and hip joints. These exercises are designed to increase your proprioception (your ability to sense your orientation and move without thought)
• Leg Raise exercises, sometimes with light weights

Phase 2 Outcomes:

• Walking without crutches entirely
• Increased ability to bend the knee
• Increased rotation in the joints of the leg (hip, knee, and ankle)

Phase 3: Increasing Your Strength

At Virtual PT NYC, Knee Pain Treatment in NYC, we will guide you through a series of exercises designed to help strengthen your leg and knee, while keeping in mind its delicate post-surgical state.

These strengthening exercises include:

• Balance practice (one-leg standing for gradually increasing intervals of time)
• Squats and lunges
• Straight leg raises
• Hip strengthening stretches
• Plyometrics (exerting maximum force in short periods of time)
• Lateral and vertical stepping
• Core stabilization
• If possible, using an elliptical or stair climber to increase endurance

Phase 3 Outcomes:

• Increased strength in the leg
• No more shakiness, wobbling, soreness
• Progress from walking to light jogging

Phase 4: Getting Closer to Normalcy

This phase usually begins at Week 8 post-surgery and can continue until Week 12 or for up to six months post-op, depending on your individual situation and progress.

Phase 4 is highly individualized based on your specific needs. The exercises and rehabilitation methods used are dependent on how well you have succeeded in the previous three phases, as well as the progress of your surgical wound’s healing.

Usually, individuals in this phase at Knee Pain Treatment in NYC work with our physical therapists to….

• Increase the established exercise regimen’s intensity and frequency
• Perform stability testing (usually single-leg hopping) to determine your ability to return to normal physical activity or sports
• Perform frequent evaluations to determine how to change and progress the treatment plan as you heal and strengthen

Phase 4 Outcomes:

• Return to normal physical activity
• Return to sports or high-intensity athletics
• Return to labor-intensive work
• Regain the feeling of normalcy and efficiency in knee and leg overall

If you’ve recently undergone ACL surgery, it is important to seek physical therapy right away in order to receive the proper rehabilitation methods and ensure that your surgery was as effective as possible.

Contact Virtual PT NYC For Knee Pain Treatment in NYC

Virtual PT NYC is a great option for those with limited ability to walk to drive to a physical therapist’s office and does not require specialized equipment. Learn more about Virtual PT NYC, and contact us to schedule a consultation and appointment to get you started on the road to ACL surgery recovery today!

start the road to recovery

Knee Pain and Imaging

MRI’s and X-rays are the most commonly performed forms of imaging done on the knees to look for some type of meniscal tear or degeneration, or arthritis of the knees. With these conditions people often get the idea that because they either need surgery to “fix” it, or should avoid certain exercises or positions because it’ll make their knees worse. However, if you never received the imaging, you would never have thought that and would continue doing what you usually do. While it may sometimes be helpful to get imaging done to have an idea what is going on, you never want to let your “diagnosis” define you and how you move and exercise. If we took fifty random people off the street who have no knee pain and took imaging of their knees, a good amount of them would have some type of degeneration or tear show up. In fact there have been multiple studies (some on professional and collegiate basketball players) in which imaging was done on people who reported having no knee pain, yet the imaging showed those people had meniscal tears, arthritis, or some other tissue damage in their knees. These studies have also taken imaging on people with knee pain, and shown that they do not always have more tears or arthritis than the pain free people.

What these studies show is that you cannot get caught up with your condition. Too often people believe that they have to be less active and protect their knees. They think that they shouldn’t go up and down stairs, work out, squat, walk, etc. As has been stated multiple times in previous posts, doing nothing is the worst thing to do. Degeneration is a natural part of aging, which happens to everyone at different rates, just like any machine that eventually wears out. While you cannot fix or control the extent of the arthritis or meniscal tear in your knee, what you can control and fix is how you move and exercise. This is when having strength and mobility is even more important than ever. You want your glutes, quads, hamstrings and other leg muscles to be as strong as possible to take pressure off of your knees. You want to perform exercises that not only strengthen these muscles, but are also functional and similar to the type of activity or sport you enjoy doing.

Sometimes getting the imaging does not present you with a fix, but instead can be more limiting. The imaging does not always match up to how you feel, and it shouldn’t dictate how you feel. The relationship between pain and what is going on in the knee is not always clear and direct, and it is up to you, not your imaging results or diagnosis, to take charge and decide what you can do.

How Do I Complete A Physical Therapy Regimen Without Any Equipment?

Physical therapy is one of the most beneficial injury treatment methods in the realm of healthcare. Not only is it non-invasive, but it allows patients to play an active role in their healing. While traditional PT sessions involve traveling to a facility to help facilitate healing, here at Virtual PT NYC, our team can help patients make a full recovery without them ever needing to leave their homes. To learn more about how you can complete a physical therapy regimen without any equipment, please schedule an appointment via our website!

Virtual Teaching

Part of what makes physical therapy so enticing to people in need of care is the hands-on role they get to play in their recovery. Therapeutic stretches and exercises play a key role in physical therapy, and while our physical therapists will teach you these exercises, you’ll be the one performing them. While you may think some equipment will be needed to complete these exercises, that is simply not the case. Bodyweight exercises are extremely beneficial in treating pain and discomfort, and they can easily be taught through video calls. Depending on the type of injury you’re dealing with, our team can teach you to perform a variety of these exercises.

Example Exercises

Sitting Pigeon Pose

  1. Stretch your legs straight out while sitting on the floor.
  2. While bending your knee, place your right ankle on top of the opposite knee.
  3. Begin to lean forward and stretch so your upper body reaches for your thighs.
  4. Hold this stretch for 15 to 30 seconds before returning to the starting position.
  5. Repeat this stretch while bending the opposite knee.
  6. Sitting pigeon pose is used to relieve lower back pain.

Standing Quad Stretch

  1. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Stand on your right leg and bend your leg knee back and grab your foot with your left hand.
  3. Place your opposite hand on a wall or chair for balance if necessary.
  4. Switch legs after holding this position for at least 15 to 30 seconds.
  5. The standing quad stretches help to loosen any tight front leg muscles.


  1. Start in a standing position with your legs shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keeping your back straight and heels dug into the ground, slowly begin to bend your knees and dropdown.
  3. Get your knees bent to a 90-degree angle if possible before returning to the starting position.
  4. For the most results, our physical therapists recommended performing three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.
  5. This exercise works to strengthen your glutes and other muscles in your legs.

Standing Arm Swings

  1. Stand up straight with arms dropped down to your sides.
  2. Have your palms be facing your body.
  3. Keeping your shoulders immobilized, slowly raise your arms as high as they can go.
  4. Make sure you keep your entire body still while performing this exercise.
  5. Alternate between raising your arms and bringing them back down to your side for at least one minute.
  6. Performing this stretch helps to soothe shoulder and rotator cuff pain caused by overuse injuries.

The Benefits Of Body Weight Exercises

The exercises that we previously listed are just a few of the ones that our staff can teach you during virtual sessions of physical therapy. Bodyweight exercises are extremely beneficial for healing, as no equipment is needed to perform them. They are also easy to master, meaning you’ll be able to complete a treatment regimen without needing the supervision of our staff once you get a handle on them.

Contact Us For Knee Pain Treatment in NYC

If you’ve recently been injured or begun to experience pain, don’t wait around for it to get better on its own. Our team at Virtual PT NYC can help craft the perfect treatment regimen for you that does not require the use of any equipment. To learn more about our services and how bodyweight exercises can be the answer to your problems, be sure to contact our team today.

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