Usually, physical therapists treat patients in person through physical contact. During this time of social distancing, telehealth has become vital. Telehealth physical therapy is a form of treatment that is delivered over a technology platform, rather than in person. Our team at Virtual PT NYC is dedicated to providing you with the same high-quality care you would receive in a physical therapist office, but modified for online. Our team is available to you at your convenience, all from the comfort and safety of your own home. You don’t have to wait until things open up to see a physical therapist and get the treatment you need! If you are looking for telehealth services NYC, Virtual PT NYC has got you covered!
Why Choose Virtual PT NYC?
Normally physical therapists rely on in-person contact to treat patients, but with social distancing, physical therapists have had to adapt to these challenges. Virtual physical therapy can be very beneficial and can yield similar results to regular appointments. The ability to engage with a physical therapist in real-time from your home can help you maintain your health and possibly recover quicker! Telehealth services NYC has become a popular option for people that are looking for more accessible treatments. Here are some reasons why you should choose Virtual PT NYC:
Since the therapist is not with you to support you physically, you can get a lot out of your virtual sessions by listening and applying what they say to your lifestyle at home. While doing virtual physical therapy might not feel the same as having a session in person, there are various benefits. Using telehealth services NYC is a great way to see results while staying safe and healthy! The difference between our team at Virtual PT NYC and our competitors is that we were founded specifically for the purpose of providing telehealth during these difficult times. As the world changes, we learn to adapt and implement telehealth to give people the opportunity to have physical therapy. In the future, we see the potential for a hybrid treatment plan where people can be treated through both in person and telehealth sessions. We want people to receive treatment on multiple levels and have our services be more accessible.
What Do You Need For A Good Virtual PT Session?
People of all ages with a variety of symptoms or conditions can participate in telehealth. For a successful virtual PT appointment, all you need to participate are a few basic items such as:
While the virtual appointment does not allow the in person interaction, many conditions or injuries do not require any manipulation. Your physical therapist will still be able to analyze your movements. All you need is an experienced PT to help guide you through the exercises.
Contact Us For Telehealth Services NYC
If you are looking for quality telehealth services NYC, Virtual PT NYC can help! Our goal is to help you receive the best possible care through these uncertain times. Our team will work with you to provide you with treatment that is best suited for your needs, and is convenient for various circumstances. Contact us and make your telehealth appointment today!