How Soon After Pregnancy Can I Return to Exercise?

Virtual PT NYC

For many of us, we understand what is right and wrong during pregnancy. However, some things are not always as clear. All parents want the best for their child, but it is hard to know exactly how to achieve the best. Exercise is one of these grey areas that many parents have questions about. When and how many can they exercise during pregnancy, but, perhaps equally as important, how soon after pregnancy can they exercise. Here at Virtual PT NYC, we have the answers. Contact us today and schedule a consultation for virtual physical therapy Long Island if you believe we can assist you!

Dangers of Pregnancy

Pregnancy, while a beautiful thing, has some dangers that come along with it, so it is best not to act recklessly. Some dangers include:

  • Preeclampsia: this is a potentially dangerous complication during pregnancy. One of the main components of it is high blood pressure. It can be very dangerous for both the baby and the mother.
  • Miscarriage: one of the most well-known complications of pregnancy, a miscarriage is when the unborn fetus dies. It can be caused by a variety of factors.
  • Anemia: this is quite a dangerous condition in which a person lacks the correct amount of red blood cells to carry oxygen to their tissue. This makes them feel tired. It is common during pregnancy.

Postpartum Concerns

After having a child, there are still some dangers that are important to look out for. The body is attempting to bring itself back to what it was like before the pregnancy, so it is natural to notice some changes. While the stresses post-pregnancy are not discussed as much as the ones during pregnancy, they are still very real and important to talk about. They include:

  • Infections: bacterial infections within the female body, specifically the reproductive tract. It can happen after childbirth or a miscarriage, and it causes significant discomfort and can cause bleeding or blood loss.
  • Blood Clots: There are two types of major blood clots that affect women who have recently given birth to a child: 
  • Blood clots within the vaginal line that happen within days of giving birth after the passing of the placenta. 
  • The more standard clots within the veins are significantly more dangerous.
  • Postpartum Depression: giving birth causes many emotions, one of them being depression. The cause is not fully known, but we do know that it is characterized by crying, mood swings, and anxiety.
  • Postpartum Hemorrhage: a large amount of bleeding after childbirth. Very rare condition but is serious and needs to be treated immediately.

Exercise after Pregnancy

If you believe you are not at risk for any of the dangers listed above, you should be able to exercise very soon after having a child. This is true as long as you had a normal pregnancy and delivery. It is actually recommended that you do around 150 minutes of aerobic exercise every week after having a baby. It only becomes dangerous if there were problems during pregnancy, delivery, or you have any postpartum health issues. It is widely encouraged that you stop exercising and see a specialist if you feel any pain at any point during a workout. Before anything else, it is crucial that you come in for a consultation with one of our specialists at our virtual physical therapy Long Island to ensure you are ready to begin exercising. 

Contact Us Today for Virtual Physical Therapy Long Island

Get in touch with us at Virtual PT NYC today if you have any questions or concerns regarding your ability to exercise after having birth. One of our specialists will be able to assist you with anything you may need.

Virtual PT NYC

Contact us today and schedule a consultation for virtual physical therapy Long Island if you believe we can assist you!